Saturday, January 28, 2023

Bitter Sweet Hell by Alex Grayson

Bitter Sweet Hell (Hell Night Series #2)
Author: Alex Grayson
Published: January 2019
Publisher: Alex Grayson
Format: Paperback
Pages: 317
Rating: 3.5/5
As the Sheriff of Malus, Texas, JW takes his oath to protect its citizens very seriously. Born from an ugly past, he swears no child, woman, or man will ever endure what he and his brothers have. As he seeks retribution of the ones who have wronged him, his past and his present finally collide. Secrets are laid open. Ones that are so heinous, they'll rock the very foundation of JW's life.

When Eden blazes into town, hot with her own threatening troubles baring down on her, JW steps in as her protector. It's not only his duty, but a need he can't ignore. The chemistry between the two is instant and all too tempting.

Giving in was easy, but the consequences were high.

JW never knew the disturbing destruction that would rain down on Malus by getting involved with the red-headed gypsy.

Danger lurks just around the corner--it's dark, terrifying, and malicious.

JW is bitter because of his gruesome past. Eden is sweet despite hers. Together, will they create a beautiful future, or will it all end in bitter sweet hell?

DISCLAIMER: Intended for readers 18 years and older due to mature content, abusive situations, and harsh language. May contain triggers for some readers. Please read with caution.

So I'll be honest, I didn't really know much about this series and don't remember when and where I bought it. While I gave this a 3.5 star, I'll say it did surprise me! I also don't have book one, so I just went into this one since they're interconnected standalones... why I have only books 2 and 4, I'll never know but let's get on with this review!

So this might be my first or maybe second book into some more darker romance, and while it totally caught me off guard, I was super intrigued to continue reading and find out what was going to happen to these characters.

First, I'd say to check triggers. There's a lot that goes on in this book that might be hard to read. Personally for me, I didn't have anything that was triggering but more so shocking to read.

So JW and Eden clearly have an attraction right from the start and JW really becomes a "Touch her and die" character for only knowing her a short period of time, which I mean for some books the insta connection/insta love is okay. While that's happening, there was definitely some growth between the characters by holy moly it was intense.

I do feel like there were parts that were kind of all over the place, and repetitive... but at the same time I couldn't put it down. I just had to find out what was going to happen which definitely hooked me. From the beginning, this book was intense. There's so much from JW's past that starts to be brought up all while dealing with Eden and the life she's trying to get away from including her ex.

Overall this was a good story. I didn't feel any particular connection to them, and while some - okay many - parts left me shocked to read, I just could not put the book down. It's dark, twisted and fast paced and did leave me wanting to know what was going to happen to Eden.

That's all for my review, I hope you liked it. Again be sure to check triggers. If you like a more dark romance, I would say to check it out!

So until the next time, keep reading!
Your Graduated Bookworm!! :)

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