Author: Ame Dyckman
Publisher: Little Brown Books
Published: April 2019
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 40
Rating: 4.5/5
From popular author Ame Dyckman and rising star Charles Santoso comes the laugh-out-loud story of a father desperate to destroy the dandelion marring his perfectly manicured lawn, and his daughter's fierce attempts to save it.
When Daddy spots a solitary weed in his lawn, he's appalled (along with all of his neighborhood friends). But his daughter Sweetie has fallen in love with the beautiful flower, even going so far as to name it Charlotte. Racing against time and the mockery of his friends, Daddy has to find a way to get rid of the errant dandelion without breaking his little girl's heart.
First I would like to thank Hachette Books Canada for sending me a copy of this book for review! Honestly this was such a cute story, I think that both children and adults would get something out of this in one way or another.
So for me, of course it's a super quick read as it's a children's book, but I think that there was so much humor in it, that if you're reading it to your kids, they will totally find it funny! Between the illustrations and the words, it's pretty funny for a children's book!

One thing that I didn't realize about was the fact that all of the other animals in the book were also dads. I honestly didn't think about that until it literally said (They're dad's too) in the book.
Something that I caught in the book was inside the dust jacket, at the beginning of the book there were no dandelions and all the father's were mowing their lawn, but at the back of the book, there's tons of dandelions and all the father's are with their kids playing on the lawn. I just thought that was cute!
Overall this was a cute and funny story, not to mention the awesome illustrations! They were so perfect with the book, I loved it! I know a lot of fellow teachers who would love this as well as parents who would love to read this to their kids!
That's all for my review today, I hope you enjoyed it, and if you're thinking of a book to give as a gift, this would definitely be one to think about!
So until the next time, Keep Reading!
Your Graduated Bookworm!! :)
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