Author: James Patterson & Emily Raymond
Publisher: Little Brown
Published: October 2017
Format: Paperback ARC
Pages: 304
Rating: 3/5
One viral photo.
Four expelled teens.
Everyone's a suspect.
Theo Foster's Twitter account used to be anonymous – until someone posted a revealing photo that got him expelled. No final grade. No future.
Theo's resigned to a life of misery working at the local mini-mart when a miracle happens: Sasha Ellis speaks to him. Sasha Ellis knows his name. She was also expelled for a crime she didn't commit, and now he has the perfect way to get her attention: find out who set them up.
To uncover the truth, Theo has to get close to the suspects: the hacker, the quarterback, the mean girl, the vice principal, and his own best friend. What secrets are they hiding? And how can Theo catch their confessions on camera...?
Although very late, I would like to thank the amazing people from Hachette Books Canada for sending me a copy in exchange for a review! I will be honest though, this wasn't my favourite book, even though there were some great moments!

I feel like there were moments that the book kind of dragged. I know the whole point was that they were trying to find out who posted the photo, but it felt like they were dragging it on for too long. I DID however like some of the banter between Theo and Sasha even if he was to chicken to actually just kiss the girl! You could tell how much he's pined over her, and I felt like yelling at him through the book...

Overall, It wasn't my favourite book I've read. There could be a number of reasons for it, but I'm sure there are others out there who really would enjoy this book! I just couldn't connect with any of the characters and I felt like a lot of them seemed younger than the age they were written in.
That's all for my review, I hoped you liked it, and remember... whenever I have a review for a book I didn't enjoy, doesn't mean you wont! We all have different tastes for a reason!
So until the next time, Keep Reading!
Your Graduated Bookworm!! :)
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