A: Hi! I’m J, or Jessica, a wife and mommy of twins living in Maryland. I’ve been writing for most of my life (mainly short stories) and published my first novel in 2014. I’m also an x-ray tech, which I’ll always refer to as my job. Writing is what I love to do.
Q: How did you first get into writing and when did you decide to take the leap and go for it?
A: I wrote Sweet Addiction in 2013 and sat on it for about 6 months, not knowing what I should do with it. I was inspired to self-publish by a few of my favorite Indie authors (RJ Lewis, Belle Aurora) and decided to go for it! I was absolutely terrified, but incredibly proud of that book. I published Sweet Addiction in May 2014.
Q: Who or what inspired you to do what you are doing now?
A: A lot of authors inspired me in the beginning and continue to inspire me, but ultimately, writing is something I’m passionate about and necessary for me. I go a little crazy if I can’t write or if I need to take a break from it for personal reasons. It’s part of my self-care. It’s time for myself, to escape from reality, and I wouldn’t know what to do if I couldn’t write.
Q: What would be your ideal working environment?
A: Somewhere quiet. I am very easily distracted. I can work out of my house, but I could never be the person writing in a coffee shop or bookstore. I wouldn’t get anything done.
Q: How would you describe your style with writing?
A: Chaotic. I never have a plan. I never outline. I just sit down and write.
Q: What is one thing you wish you knew starting out with writing or something you could have told your past self?
A: Write for yourself first. Write the story you want to read.
Q: What do you do in your spare time?
A: Spend time with my family and READ. I try to read as much as I can.

A: I see my characters as real people. I want to give them their HEAs. *Happily Ever After* If I have an unfinished story, it bothers me.
Q: What do you find the most frustrating and/or challenging aspect of writing?
A: I don’t think I find any frustrating. Setting aside time to myself in the Summer is challenging. My kids are home, and I want to spend as much time with them, so anything for myself gets put off for later, writing included. I’m trying to get better at carving out that time for myself every day.
Q: How much time do you spend writing and is it a hobby or job?
A: Oh, I’ll always look at writing as a hobby. I have a job and it’s definitely a job-it’s not something I do for fun. I’ll write every day. The time varies. It just depends on where I’m at in the story and what else I have going on.
Q: Can you name some of your favourite bloggers/authors/shops and explain why they’re your favourite?
A: IG bloggers are my favorite, and I could list so many and still worry I’d leave a few out, so I won’t do that. My favorite bookish shops are KinkyGirlsBookObsessions and Marked by Mary.
Q: What would be your go to meal, outing and Starbucks/Tim Horton’s Drink?
A: I’m going to say seafood- preferably crabs. My go-to Starbucks order is incredibly boring. I always get a Venti iced coffee with two sugars and I get it blended so it’s all frothy.
Q: Kiss, Kill and Marry: (Uncle Jesse from Full House, Jake Ryan from Sixteen Candles, and Jess Mariano from Gilmore Girls)
A: Kiss Jess, Marry Uncle Jesse, Kill Jake
Q: If you were stuck on an Island what would be the three things you would want with you?
A: Hmmmm. I'm assuming I can't say people or food or necessities like that, so I'd say a lighter, a knife and The Infernal Devices series!
Q: What sort of advice can you give to anyone out there that’s thinking about starting a blog/novel/shop?
A: Just do it! And do it how you want. Don’t listen to everyone else.
Here's Where You Can Find Jessica!
That's all for this week's Empowered Wednesday's! I hope you enjoyed this new feature! Check back here next week where a brand new creator will be featured on the blog!!
So until the next time, Keep Reading!
Your Graduated Bookworm!! :)
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