Well since starting my new job, I've had to learn a lot. I mean any Centre you go into, there will be different ways of teaching styles and procedures. I think I've pretty well got it down pat as we enter the spring. Crazy to believe that it'll almost be six months already for me there! Before you ask if I like it or are people nice, the answer to all of that is yes. Being in the school age group is a lot of fun, because I get to interact with the older age and talk to them more on life and hobbies and things I couldn't really talk to a toddler about...I mean there's more to it than just the ABC's.

I haven't gotten any new tattoo's just yet, but I do have one in mind of getting done at some point in the future! I don't want to say exactly what it is because I would rather it be a surprise, but I can tell you that it's something inspiring (just like the rest of them) and I hope that it won't be too painful!
I am continuing to work out and work on my health. I've been working on blogging more, and although some people come and go, having you all come and join my journey and follow me is great, but it's also the connections we make with others that make it even more special. I am really trying to make my blogging more of a full time paying job, and I've been reaching out and looking at all kinds of aspects, so if you are someone who knows how to do it, or you are a business/brand looking to collaborate with me, feel free to email me, or contact me through my social media!!
Although I had kind of taken a mini break from the gym and kind of ate a little less healthy, it didn't really affect me too much. I'm finding myself not worrying so much about the scale, and just results since I've been lifting weights more than just cardio. I for sure have my ups and downs, especially with family events, road trips, weekend getaways and what not like we all do, but the point is not where you fall off, but that you get back up and keep going, I may not be exactly where I would wish to be, but at the same time I like where I am now in life! I don't think I have an exact update from the last post that I shared with you all, but I do have another comparison to share what the differences have been that I am so proud to see have changed.
Although I had kind of taken a mini break from the gym and kind of ate a little less healthy, it didn't really affect me too much. I'm finding myself not worrying so much about the scale, and just results since I've been lifting weights more than just cardio. I for sure have my ups and downs, especially with family events, road trips, weekend getaways and what not like we all do, but the point is not where you fall off, but that you get back up and keep going, I may not be exactly where I would wish to be, but at the same time I like where I am now in life! I don't think I have an exact update from the last post that I shared with you all, but I do have another comparison to share what the differences have been that I am so proud to see have changed.
It's taken a lot of strength within myself, but I know that I can do whatever it takes if I set my mind to it. I want you all to know the same. That whatever you strive to be, change, or do, you can do it! You all have the ability to start over, change it up, and see a difference in ANYTHING you want. I don't want to sound like a commercial saying you'll expect results in everything instantly, because the truth is, you're going to get knocked down on your ass a couple times, but you just get back up, dust yourself off and go again. Never give up on your dreams, because the moment you do, you won't have a passion in life to drive you.
I went to Texas this year to go to the Holiday With The Belles event in Dallas. This event is usually held every February to bring some spice with a bunch of Romance authors in one large room to get to meet, and to get pictures and signed books. I ended up going with my Boyfriend and we actually did a lot of tourist things in the town, it was great! Between the Aquarium, to the Holocaust Museum, and the JFK Trolley Tour, it was just so cool! So much to see (AND EAT) I can't wait to go back again next year and experience even more!

Other than that everything has basically been the same. If you noticed a certain word listed above, yes you read that right, and things are still going amazing. Loving him more and more every day! Now I can't tell you everything of my life...this girl is keeping some things to herself, but know that I am always here for you, so if you ever want to reach out, please don't hesitate!
That's all for this life update. I hope you enjoyed another portion of this blogger's world!
So until the next time, Keep Reading!
Your Graduated Bookworm!! :)
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