Author: Kennedy Fox
Published: May 2019
Publisher: Kennedy Fox
Format: ARC E-Book
Pages: 333
Rating: 5/5
The worst day of my life happened when Brandon died.
We had our entire future mapped out.
Careers, marriage, kids—in that order.
Then the universe threw a curve ball and ended it all.
As I come to terms with everything, I learn I’m carrying his baby. Now I’m living with his roommate, the guy who’s made my life a living hell the past two years. Hunter’s now the one to hold me up when all I want to do is fall.
Knowing my religious parents will never accept the pregnancy out of wedlock, Hunter offers to be my fake husband. While I think he’s gone crazy, it’s the only plan that’ll keep them in my life. So I do whatever it takes to make our relationship believable—kissing, touching, even letting him hold me when we sleep. The lines are so blurred neither of us want to admit we’re no longer pretending.
The guilt of what we’re doing eats me alive as I struggle to deal with my emotions. I push him away, but he pulls me closer, showing me how he’s always felt.
Just as I begin to follow my heart, I learn Hunter’s been keeping secrets.
And I’m left to make the hardest decision of my life…
**This is book 2 in the Hunter & Lennon duet and must be read after Baby Mine. Recommended for ages 18+**
First, I would like to thank Kennedy Fox for sending me an ARC copy of Baby Yours, and let me tell you... IT. GETS. REAL!
To be quite honest, I don't entirely know what to say, or where to begin. Like there is so much I want to talk about, but then I would be spoiling it for those of you who haven't read it.
But first... let's talk about that author's note at the end. I know I've already read it from book one, but reading it again still has me emotional. There's no other way to explain it. It's pure, raw and emotional just like the book itself. You get some insight to these two and their personal lives, and honestly I couldn't be more proud to call them friends, and inspirations. Love you ladies!!
Okay, let's get with this book. WOW! Just wow! There were so many small plots happening in the book that kept me wanting so much more page after page. And boy was it a page turner! Each chapter had me hooked and wanting to find out more. Wanting to know MORE, and they handed it all to me on a silver platter (or I guess my tablet!)

Alright so the obvious connection that Lennon and Hunter have is undeniable. Like literally EVERYONE knows that there's a romance blooming without them realizing or accepting it. And man that baby is just so freaking adorable! Like how can you not love a baby?! Speaking of baby, I'm pretty sure Kennedy Fox has now instilled some sort of fascination with having a baby and getting married... Guys, stop playing with my emotions!!
"We're two beautifully broken people who uses the other a glue to hold it all together."
There were so many other amazing quotable moments throughout the book, but I have just a few that were really heartfelt and emotional...
"You fought me, and it only made me love you harder. You denied me, but I loved you from afar."
"But that's what happens when feelings are covered--they boil over and someone is burned."
I feel like the first book really gives you the angst, and opens up the relationships right from the start, and Baby Yours answers all your questions, brings you on a second round of a roller coaster of emotions that was unbelievable. It was beautiful, raw, and oh so powerful. I really cannot wait to read more to this series, even though Hunter and Lennon's story may be over, there is SO MUCH more for Lennon's sisters, and Kennedy Fox sure punches you in the gut with that hook at the end of the epilogue. It sure was enough to have me wanting to read the next book like ASAP!

That's all for my review, I really hope you enjoyed it, and if you haven't ready Baby Mine yet... go do that first! My review for that is already up if you'd like to take a look!
So until the next time, Keep Reading!
Your Graduated Bookworm!! :)
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