Author: Jenny Stallard
Published: November 2015
Publisher: Penguin
Format: Paperback
Pages: 392
Rating: 3/5
It's bad enough to be perpetually single, without also being the dating journalist for a major lifestyle website. And Genie Havisham has just been set her toughest deadline yet: find a boyfriend by Christmas or find a new job.
Determined not to end the year alone and jobless, Genie sets out to find where all the eligible bachelors in London have been hiding, using whatever means possible.
But among the terrible dates, one night stands and the unexpected return of her 'supposedly reformed' ex-boyfriend, could Genie have overlooked what's been right under her nose all along?
So I picked this book up probably close to when it came out back in 2015, and it took me basically two years to actually read the damn thing! That's the problem being a bookworm is that you've got tons of books that are on your shelves (physical or tablet) and you can't get to all of them at once so it literally takes you years to read some!
Honestly, as funny as this book was, it definitely wasn't my favourite. I did read it during the Christmas season, and you'd think that would have put me in more of the romance type mood since this is a Christmas themed novel... but certainly no, that was not the case.

The novel is broken down into months and days, kind of like a journal almost, and it just felt like the story could have been more fast paced had it been set all in the month of December, giving her less than a month, which I think would have been more entertaining with the time crunch she would have had.
I will say that there were funny parts, but it felt like Genie was having a hard time really seeing the things (and people) that were around her and to really just go with her gut than over-thinking everything!
"You need to be ready before you'll let love in."
This is probably the most accurate quote in the entire book..not even kidding! From the beginning to end, you really see Genie grow and realize that if she's not actually ready to be in a relationship then she shouldn't push to have a man in her life let alone a boyfriend!
There were some moments that I could foresee from the beginning, and when it finally happened, I'm pretty sure I shouted into the company of my sleeping dog, because we all know it's the quiet ones you gotta look out for.

Overall this was an okay book. There were definitely romantic, funny, and frustrating moments while reading, but it just didn't overall keep me interested. I felt like it could have been shortened or that there could have been a small twist in the middle to make it more entertaining.
That's all for my review today, I hope you enjoyed it, and let me know if there are any holiday books that you feel really take the cake and are totally worth reading!
So until the next time, Keep Reading!
Your Graduated Bookworm! :)
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