A: I am a home-schooling mom of four, as well as a professional lifestyle photographer, with a side of paranormal romance author. As of now, I am focusing on being an advocate for children, such as my son, who have been diagnosed with Cockayne Syndrome. A lot of my time has been going into this, as of late.
Q: How did you first get into writing and when did you decide to take the leap and go for it?
A: Well, I’ve always had an extremely active imagination. When my twins were just a few months old, I had a crazy vision of myself with a sword and a shield, face to face with a demon. From that moment on, I began creating a story around a girl in a similar situation. Fast forward to about three years after that, I began writing my rough draft of my story. And, the rest is history.
Q: Who or what inspired you to do what you are doing now?
A: I believe it was a divine experience, in a way, what sort of catapulted me into writing. Also, a lot of the movies that I love inspired my beloved character, Brynn, and what she is about. I took bits and pieces of those characters and infused their abilities and experiences into who Brynn is and what she can do.
Q: What would be your ideal working environment?
A: A desk space without any clutter! And a lot of very good and inspiring movie scores. Listening to movie scores is a must for me when writing.
Q: How would you describe your style with writing?
A: I have a lot of chaos in my head usually, so I make a lot of notes and lists, which helps me to address plots and what my characters are going to experience. Everything has to make sense and have a clear purpose.

A: Oh, man. I would’ve told myself that it isn’t going to happen overnight. I think that I have a terrible need for everything to go from zero, to ninety fairly quickly. I would tell myself to be patient, realistic and to not set the bar for what you can achieve! Just have fun with it.
Q: What do you do in your spare time?
A: I am always creating, whether it’s photography or art. I am constantly trying to grow and enrich myself with God’s purpose for me. I am a Secular Franciscan, which is an order of the Catholic Church, and being a spiritual advisor is a huge part of who that I am. So, if I’m not creating, guiding others or focusing on personal growth, you could probably find me outside, or binge watching something I’ve watched a gazillion times before. I’m a Lord of The Rings junkie, and I could watch it over and over again. Maybe add in The Walking Dead. I just started that series over again, too. I also, watch a TON of BBC and PBS. We love British murder mysteries in this house.
Q: How do you motivate yourself to keep the novel going?
A: Imagination. I’m a big daydreamer, so I’m never short of creating stories or plots up in my head. A lot of what I imagine up comes when I am fully engaged when working out, or in meditation.
Q: What do you find the most frustrating and/or challenging aspect of writing?
A: I am not a professional writer, so it’s difficult for me to push past writer’s block. I am often stuck with how I’m going to develop a story line, which is very frustrating to me.
Q: How much time do you spend writing and is it a hobby or job?
A: Writing, as an author, is definitely a hobby.

A: If I had a better attention span, I could probably come up with more people to mention. I will say this; Tim Burton, though not exactly an author, has always been a big inspiration to me. His dark imagination is just beautiful and I can relate to him in that way. Anything he creates, I am a big fan of. I am also a fan of Syrie James Jamie McGuire. When they release anything new, I’m pretty quick to purchase their work. I’m more of a subject driven reader. I will go with whatever truly sounds good to me. Paranormal romance, as well as near death experience books, or NDE’s, are what I am most interested in, when it comes to reading.
Q: What would be your go to meal, outing and Starbucks/Tim Horton’s Drink
A: My go to meal would have to be anything seafood! I don’t shop at Starbuck’s. I know! I’m worthless.
Q: Kiss, Kill and Marry:
(Uncle Jesse from Full House, Jake Ryan from Sixteen Candles, and Jess Mariano from Gilmore Girls)
A: Oh, my GOSH. Jake Ryan, ALL THE WAY! Hello, childhood dream!
Q: If you were stuck on an Island what would be the three things you would want with you?
A: A Lifestraw, a good knife, and tent.
Q: What sort of advice can you give to anyone out there that’s thinking about starting a novel?
A: Just DO it! You only live once, so go for the dream.
Here's Where You Can Find Tarah
That's all for this week's Empowered Wednesday's! I hope you enjoyed this new feature! Check back here next week where a brand new creator will be featured on the blog!!
So until the next time, Keep Reading!
Your Graduated Bookworm!! :)
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