Tia Louise
Author of the Dirty Players and One to Hold Series
Welcome back to another amazing author interview bookworms!! First off I want to say a huge Happy Book Birthday to Tia Louise for her second book in the Dirty Players Series that is out today! Tia contacted me a while back asking for me to read The Prince & The Player for an honest review. I do have my review up for it on my blog if you want to check it out!
Tia is so incredibly sweet and fun to talk with...especially when it comes to the handsome men she features in her novel!!
Of course it was only natural for me to interview the lovely author, and ask her questions about her work, what started it all, and advice for others! I am so happy to have met Tia, and have had the opportunity to share a love of reading, and my love of her books! So without anymore of my nonsense, let's get this interview started!!
Q. What was the idea behind the The Prince & The Player?
A. I had written one chapter of a story about two girls living on the streets in New Orleans back around the turn of the 20th century—Victorian/Gilded Age. I never did anything with it, but I always had this relationship in my mind and their situation. I’ve always, always loved sexy, glamorous intrigue-type stories, so I finally got to do something with those characters.
Q. Who or what made you decide to write/ become an author?
A. I graduated from college as an English major, so after teaching writing one year, I went back and got my Master’s in Mass Comm. After that I worked as an editor and journalist for about ten years before I had my daughters and was stuck at home. That’s when I decided to try my hand at fiction. And here I am!
A. Definitely a reader first. When I was a little kid, I always had a book in my hand. But my writing started shortly after that. I’ve been filling notebooks with stories since I was about seven years old. My best friend is an artist and she would illustrate them sometimes. The two things really go hand in hand. Writers have to be readers, so I don’t really have a preference. I love both!
Q. Where do you get your inspiration from?
A. Inspiration comes from everywhere. Mostly music and books, but I worked as a journalist for many years. I got a lot of inspiration from the people I met and their stories. That’s still the case today.
Q. Do you feel emotions while writing any scene? How can you relate to the stories in your personal life?
A. Oh, yes. I feel all the emotions of my characters. I have to or I don’t think I’d be a very good writer. It’s important to really get to know everyone in the story and keep them authentic. At the same time it’s all fiction, so sadly my personal life is not as exciting as my books. Haha!
Q. You have written other novels, which some may not be aware of. Is there one book that you would say really resonates with yourself?
A. My books are like my babies, so I love all of them—they’re all very close to my heart. It’s like asking which of my heroes is my favorite. I love them all—haha!
Q. What is your favourite "SHIP" from the books you have read and loved?
A. Hmm… this is a hard one. My oldest daughter is constantly shipping. LOL! I’m more objective, I guess, since I write the books. I can relate to the concept that a couple won’t get together, even if they have chemistry. That being said, I’ve always been pissed Jo and Laurie didn’t get together in Little Women. Like since I was 9 yrs old. #longstandinggrudge
Q. What is the hardest thing about writing and what advice can you give to budding authors?
A. I think the hardest thing is when readers don’t seem to “get” a book or a character. It’s bound to happen, and the truth is, sometimes ideas just don’t work. I give the same advice to all budding and existing authors: Just Keep Swimming. This is a hard job. It’s very lonely, and it can be heartbreaking at times. If you truly love it, you can’t do anything else, so make good author-friends who can give lots of hugs. If you don’t truly love it, do something else—LOL!
Q. So you have written both novels in the series, but will there be more of them in another novel?
A. Oh, yes! I’ve already got five pages of the next book written. DIRTY DEALERS will focus on Cal’s guard Logan, a face from Logan’s past, and evil villain Blix’s plans for getting his money. It’s going to be more adventure, thrills, intrigue, and of course, sexytmes! And yes, the four Dirty Players characters will appear to some extent!
Q. Is there anything in the works right now?
A. [Answer from last question] Yay! *I can't wait for it!!*
Q. Fun facts about yourself
Q. What draws you to your characters in your novels?
A. ??? I’m sorry!!! I don’t know what this means. Boo, me! LOL! *All of your characters are so easy to get attached to! :)*
Q. If you could collaborate with any author, who would it be and why?
A. Eeek! I have actually had several author-friends suggest we co-write a book. My writing style is kind of all over the place. I’m not sure I’d be a very great co-author candidate. That being said, I’d love to try with any of the amazing author friends who have suggested we try it! LOL!
Q. While reading The Prince and The Player, I really got caught up in the aspect of fancy ball gowns and real Prince's. Have you been caught up in it, and did you ever wish you married a "Real Prince"?
A. When I was a little girl, all the female heroes were scrappers and survivors like Zee. Then when I had my daughters, the Disney Princess thing was in full force, and they really loved those old movies (and the new ones). So I kind of got both sides. I guess that’s where Ava comes in. I guess I’m somewhere in the middle [because] I see the draw of both sides.
Q. Paperback, Hardcover, or E-Book?
A. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but eBook. When eReaders came out, I was like, “No way.” Now, I can’t imagine trying to hold a book all the time. Also, I read on my iPad mini, so I go to bed reading and often wake up with my device on my face. Haha!
Q. 3 words to describe yourself.
A. Loyal, creative, Type A… haha!
That is all for my interview with Tia Louise! I really hope you enjoyed learning more about how amazing she is! I am so happy to have had the chance to interview her! She is honestly so sweet, and I seriously cannot wait to start reading all of her other books! I do hope you check her out and her books! Currently, The Prince & The Player is on sale for 99¢ on Amazon, and One To Hold Is free on all E-book places!! You can find Tia on:
So until the next time, Keep Reading!!
Your Graduated Bookworm! :)
I love this--thanks so much!!! <3 Tia