90 Days to Your Novel By: Sarah Domet
Sorry to start off with yet another writing book, but I figure, get it out of the way, for the more amazing reads further on!
This book is here to help push you closer to your deadline and give you the spark to finally finish your work in a shorter amount of time. It's here to help put the "talk" into actual work
Falling For You By: Lisa Schroeder
I found this book in the bargain section, and was totally attracted by the title and the cover!
This is about Rae, always wanting to date a guy like Nathan. He is the exact opposite of her abusive father, and she is loving it...until Nathan wants more of her. She then turns to Leo, who seems to make her feel happier and lighter (which in turn makes Nathan jealous) Could there be love or loss happen for Rae??
Last Year's Mistake By: Gina Ciocca
I have seen this book EVERYWHERE! I've wanted it ever since it came out, but just never did! That is, until I found this beauty in the bargain section! (Thank you Indigo!!)
Kelsey and David became best friends the summer before starting high school...that is until one night and a misunderstanding later, Kelsey becomes the school joke, and everything starts to crumble. Can David come in to fix things, or is all hope lost?
The Lonesome Young By: Lucy Connors
Another great and beautiful cover that I found in the bargain section! Something about this cover just screamed cowboy, until I read more about the book, and was even more excited!!
The Rhodales and Whitfields have been sworn enemies for a hundred years. Of course when Victoria and Mickey (from each family) end up meeting, you have all the makings of a modern Romeo and Juliette...but can this love-story end happy rather than tragic?
After We Collided (After #2) And After We Fell (After #3) By: Anna Todd
So I haven't totally read this series, but after meeting Anna at the Imagines book signing with her fellow Wattpad Authors, I have been pushing this series up faster than anything else on my current TBR, and that's a huge pile...

I have heard nothing but amazing things about this story, and if you have read this, totally let me know your thoughts, and if I'll ship the OTP hard or not (because let's face it, there's most definitely an OTP)
How I Got Skinny, Famous and Fell Madly in Love By: Ken Baker
Totally found this book in the bargain section as well (whoop whoop!!) and kind of found it really interesting! I actually really like the cover of this, and that's mainly what drew me towards it!
Emery is perfectly fine with her body and her life. Until of course her "momager" signs her up for a reality show to make her lose weight in fifty days, to help her family win the million dollars to solve all their financial issues. Of course being skeptical about it all, she decides to go along with it...but have things changed for the better??
Nice is Just a Place in France By: The Betches
To be honest, I have seen this book around Instagram a lot lately, and I thought it seemed interesting to get! So one day, I found it in the front of the bookstore (Hello Indigo!) and just went for it! Of course I haven't read it yet, but it seems like a good helper in life...
This is about helping you bring out the badass you are on the inside out! This is a book to help you deal with your problems and make you come out on the top of any situation (guys, career, friends, enemies...)
Who Do You Love By: Jennifer Weiner
Another book that I've seen everywhere! I actually picked this book up a long time ago in April when I was at an Indigo event with @floralsndragons and it was awesome!! (although my bank account didn't necessarily like me after that night...)
Rachel and Andy have been best friends since they were eight in an ER waiting room. Over the course of three decades, they end up finding each other again and again until they finally decide whether love can surmount difference, or if it's time to give it up...
Boys Of Summer By: Jessica Brody
Another book I picked up with @floralsndragons and I believe she may be almost or already done this book, where I have yet to read it!
Grayson, Mike and Ian were best friends since they were kids, always going to "The Locks" every summer. But when one summer, things start to falter. A father not returning home, on of the boys having an accident, and one falling for a sister or ex girlfriend... Will this be the last summer, or can something save them?
Saving June By: Hannah Harrington
I was actually just walking around the store with my handful of books, when I passed the pretty blue cover! Never seen it before I bought it, but it sounded like an interesting read!
When Harper's older sister took her own life, there was nothing left for Harper to really feel. On a whim, she takes June's ashes and goes cross-country with her best friend. Enter in Jake, a total bad boy, and you've got a serious case of flirting, music and fun...except Jake is keeping his own secrets from the girl he just met.
Cruel Crown (Red Queen 0.1-0.2) By: Victoria Aveyard
So I haven't read the Red Queen series, but I figured, since I have the two, I should pick up the novella as well. I am totally that one person who will buy an entire series before reading it, because I like to binge-read a series...
So without spoiling, I won't talk about this either, but if you've read it, let me know your own thoughts in the comments below! I'd love to hear them!

Thank you so much to June Gray (Go check her out!!) for sending me a copy of this book to review! I actually own Disarm and have had it on my shelves for a while, but totally recommended it to a friend before I even read it! Of course she loved it, and June Gray is so amazing, that you just can't not love her books!
This is about Julie Keaton, who has everything she ever wanted...until her fiance dies and leaves her completely blindsided. But when a mysterious guy shows up, there is a flicker of hope Julie can see in the horizon.

The Unexpected Everything By: Morgan Matson
I received this book from Simon and Schuster Canada (Thank You!!) for a review!! I was so shocked to receive this book in the mail, as I was totally not expecting it! But of course I did read this, and what a read!! If you want, I do have my review already up on my blog!
Andie had her entire summer planned. Great internship with amazing friends, and a hot guy. That is until her Politician father had a scandal come out, forcing all her plans to go down the drain. But of course when one door closes, another one opens...and sometimes a hot guy happens to be holding the door for you!!
Between Here and Forever By: Elizabeth Scott
So I've actually read another novel by Elizabeth Scott, based off a classmate back when I was in high school, and I totally LOVED it!!
This is about Abby who has accepted that she will never be as beautiful as her sister Tess...until an accident leaves Tess in a Coma and Abby's life on hold. Abby has a plan to bring Tess back, but has uncovered the truth that isn't always what you believe it to be...and could put her life on a standstill.
Gemini By: Carol Cassella
Another book I found in the bargain section, and it looked like a pretty interesting novel. I mean when it's on sale who cannot resist getting a million books??!
Charlotte Reese is working in the ICU one night when a Jane Doe is transferred to her hospital. As days pass, Jane's condition worsens and her identity remains a mystery. Charlotte is faced making difficult decisions, while ultimately trying to figure out who this Jane Doe really is.
Elizabeth, Captive Princess (Elizabeth Trilogy #2) By: Margaret Irwin
I received this book from one of my Co-operative education placements (internship) which was super kind of them! They clearly knew how much I loved to read while working there with the teachers, and they really have been amazing! It was super sad to leave, and tears were shed for sure!
July 1553, a sibling rivalry looms between the daughters of King Henry VIII. Mary has just won possession of the throne, but when her younger half-sister who is the beauty, holds the hearts of the people, things start to get tense...
To The Transplant Games By: Caroline McIntosh
So on my way of course to the bookstore, I actually got the chance to meet Caroline personally, because she was actually at my nearby store supporting and promoting her book! She was super kind and signed the book for me and everything!
The transplant games are all about three stories of organ donation in London, England. Three teenagers all facing their own struggles with a sickness, but also just in their own normal life, they start to stick together to help keep one another afloat.
Kiss Kill Vanish By: Jessica Martinez
Another bargain section book that I happened to pass by. This cover is just gorgeous, that I couldn't put it back! After reading what it was all about, I was even more interested!
Valentina Cruz no longer exists. One moment, she is wrapped in Emilio's arms, and the next she is a witness to a cold blood murder that was ordered by her father, carried out by her boyfriend. Running away was one choice, but now she needs to figure out if she can live a normal life, or continue to run.
Sway By: Kat Spears
Another Bargain book (hey there are just WAY too many amazing books there!!) and it seemed like a great read!
Jesse Alderman has everything everyone wants, and is amazing at selling it to them. Whether it be fake ID's, term papers or even a date to Prom, he has always been the business man in high school. However when Ken Foster hired Jesse to help him land the heart of Bridget Smalley, he finds himself getting stuck in all kinds of things he's not used to...

Kindred Spirits By: Rainbow Rowell
So I received this from one of the amazing lovelies from the Clockwork Readers Book Club that I am part of! She received some extra copies, and offered to send me a couple (one for a giveaway as well) so Thank You so much @toallthebooks1 (Go give her a follow on Instagram!!)
Elena is all about Star Wars, and nothing else. One day she desices to queue a celebration to her local cinema to see the new movie. Except she was the last in a line of only three people, having to pee in a cup behind a dumpster or meet that unlikely someone who may understand how she really feels...
Our Song By: Jordanna Fraiberg
Of course I found this book as well in the bargain section, and I haven't seen it around anywhere before, but I feel like it's a book that should be known...Of course I also haven't read it yet, but I mean just look at it!!
Olive has spent her entire life in the suburbs with a perfect family and life...until a near-fatal car accident leaves her haunted and heartbroken. Olive then meets Nick, the dark and handsome yet mysterious guy. She is super connected to him, but cannot understand how, until she starts to put more pieces to the accident together...
So that is finally the end of my book Haul for the month of April!! Hopefully for the month of May I will not have as many, and I will have posted it much faster than this one!! If there are any reads you have read or want me to read, leave a comment below!
So until the next time, Keep Reading!!
Your Graduated Bookworm!! :)
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