Melissa Pearl
Author of the Songbird Series
A. I really liked the idea of writing books that had a soundtrack with them. I'd read a few books that had a soundtrack listed at the end, but none where the songs were an integral part of the story. I'm singing all the time and I thought, "What if I had a bunch of characters that loved music. Surely they would be singing, dancing, and listening to it all the time, and surely I could incorporate that into the story." In some cases, the songs have ended up writing the books or changing the story-line from what it was originally going to be. I love that music is such a key element to this series.

Rather Be (Book 10) is about Charlie, who readers will have met in Troublemaker. That’s going to be a fun story including some of my favorite type of music - Punk Rock. Woohoo! I love Charlie and can’t wait to hang out with her in this book.

A. I’m really not that interesting. LOL :D Um…fun facts, let’s see. I love to sing and I pretty much love every genre of music there is…pretty much ;) I play the piano I live in China, but we’re moving back home to New Zealand in June this year. Eeeeepppp!!! I’m a trained school teacher. I used to teach 12 and 13 year olds - such a cool age :) I think I know 80% of the lines for the movie “Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves”. Seriously, never watch it with me. I can’t help but say the lines as I’m watching. Dinner and a movie is my ultimate date night, tack on dessert and I’m the happiest girl on the planet :D

A. I’d love to work with Cambria Hebert, because her style is similar to mine. Same with Anna Cruise. Her writing is the kind of stuff I devour. Those two are probably my top picks. Oh and of course Rainbow Rowell….even though we write really differently, working with her would be amazing, just because she’s such an amazing writer and I could learn so much from her.
Hello Bookworms!! So I've read most of her most famous series (Songbird Series) and she has become a great author friend of mine, so it is my pleasure to be having an interview with Melissa Pearl on my blog!
I got the first book in the series a while back, and started following her on Instagram, when I found out she was hosting a Blog Tour. I immediately signed up, and I could not have been more excited! If most of you follow me on Instagram or Snapchat, you'll notice that I love music, and this series revolves around it in some way. I have loved every story from the series, and I can't wait to keep reading her newest additions to the series! If you would like to, you can click here to read my reviews on some of her books! There's really not much else I can say about her and how amazing her books are, so lets get on with this review shall we?!
Q. Were you a reader before you became a writer? And do you prefer reading or writing now?
A. As a little kid I didn't enjoy reading that much. I preferred movie and TV for my story telling media. But then in high school, I discovered Sweet Valley High (which totally gives away my age!) and I fell in love with the characters and the world. After that I read A LOT. I still love to read now, but it's hard finding the time with writing and family life. I do think all writers should be good readers though. Stephen King says it's essential and you learn so much from reading other people's it can be really inspiring :D So no matter what, I always have a book "on the go."
Q. Where do you get your inspiration from?
A. All over the place - songs, movies, books, nature, questions, people. I've just been away on holiday and the jungle surrounding our accommodation inspired a story within me. I love that life is full of stories, they're everywhere, just waiting to be discovered. :D
Q. What was the idea behind your songbird series?

Q. Do you feel emotions while writing any scene? How can you relate to the stories in your personal life?
A. I really feel it. I don't think I've ever written a book without at least crying once. Especially in my first round of editing. I read the dialogue aloud and really got into it, like I'm that character feeling all these things. I've had some major ups and downs in my life. I think it helps to go through extreme pain and also joy. It gives you an understanding of what these characters must be feeling.

Q. If you had to choose any character (as a love interest) from ANY of your novels, who would it be and why?
A. Oh man!! That’s tough. I like all of them. LOL :D Um, off the top of my head, I can see myself completely falling in love with either Cole from Fever or Leo from Everything. I love those guys so much :D And you know what, Marcus (from Troublemaker), is very similar to my husband, so I can imagine falling big time for him too…and of course, we can’t forget Dale (from The Space Between Heartbeats). He’s just all kinds of awesome :)
Q. Who or what made you decide to write/ become an author?
A. My best friend was the only person I ever told my story ideas too. One day when I was going into detail about an idea I’d had, she told me I should write one of them into a book so she could read it. I decided to give it a try and become COMPLETELY hooked! I haven’t been able to stop writing since :)
Q. What is your favourite "SHIP" from the books you have read and loved?
A. I adore Romeo and Rimmel from the Hashtag series by Cambria Hebert and Ivy and Braeden are pretty amazing too. I also read a book a few years ago and I adored the couple in it. I’m going to have to look up the name, because they were seriously awesome…Hunting Lila and Losing Lila by Sarah Alderson. They are GREAT books :D I’m also a big fan of the Abby and West series by Anna Cruise. They are an awesome couple :)
Q. What is the hardest thing about writing and what advice can you give to budding authors?
A. I think story construction and character development are key in writing a good novel. Budding authors should definitely take the time to learn the art of story-telling, because there’s a lot more that goes into it than just writing a book. I studied STORY by Robert McKee and The Writer’s Journey by Chris Vogler. Those two books are kind of like my bibles for writing. Definitely worth dissecting them both. There is some brilliant stuff in them. Stephen King’s book “On Writing” is highly recommended too :) **Very Helpful for sure in writing!**
Q. So you have written six books in the Songbird series, and I hear there will be ten, what can we expect from any upcoming stories?
A. Oooooo - fun questions :D Rough Water - Book 7 is about Justin and Sarah. You meet Justin in Troublemaker and I have to say it’s going to be a tough, emotional ride. Geronimo (Book 8) is about Sarah’s best friend, who you’ll meet in Rough Water. I LOVE the music in this book and am looking forward to unpacking her story. Hole Hearted (Book 9) is about Troy - Jimmy’s brother who readers meet in True Love. This is going to be another deeply emotional book, but I’m looking forward to writing it, because I’m going to do something a little different with this one. Yes! It’s a surprise. You’ll have to wait and see. **Wait and see?!! #anticipation!**
I also have a few novellas planned, but these are for my newsletter subscribers only, so if you want those, you have to sign up to be a Songbird Novel Reader :D Sign up link here
Q. You also have four other series apart from the Songbird series. How are you able to or how do you find time to jump from one to the other?
A. At the moment I’m focusing on my Songbird Series. I started out writing YA fantasy novels then decided to head into the romantic suspense and contemporary romance genres. I really enjoy them. I tend to only write one series at a time, although I do have a pen-name going as well, which is still romance but focusing on YA again, because I just love working with high school characters :D **I cannot wait to read this!!**
Q. What draws you to your characters in your novels?
A. Who they are. I love their backstories and history, how they’ve come to be the person they are. How they interact with the world and each other. They become like real friends to me. I know them so well and I love watching them interact with each other :)
Q. Fun facts about yourself

A. I’m really not that interesting. LOL :D Um…fun facts, let’s see. I love to sing and I pretty much love every genre of music there is…pretty much ;) I play the piano I live in China, but we’re moving back home to New Zealand in June this year. Eeeeepppp!!! I’m a trained school teacher. I used to teach 12 and 13 year olds - such a cool age :) I think I know 80% of the lines for the movie “Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves”. Seriously, never watch it with me. I can’t help but say the lines as I’m watching. Dinner and a movie is my ultimate date night, tack on dessert and I’m the happiest girl on the planet :D
Q. Is there anything in the works right now?
A. I’m just about to start writing Rough Water, plus I have a couple of books coming out for my pen name in March and April. They are high school football romance novels and SO much fun :D
Q. Paperback, Hardcover, or E-Book?
A. Ooooo - tough question. Ultimately, hardcover. Realistically, ebook. I’m sad to say, I haven’t read a “real” book in over a year. Everything I read these days is off my kindle. It’s just so much easier and more affordable. There’s nothing like holding a real book though and brushing your hand over the cover, opening it up and smelling the pages. I do miss that :)
Q. 3 words to describe yourself...
A. That’s hard!!! Um….
Music-lover, movie-buff, romantic-sap :D
What can I say…I love LOVE
Q. If you could collaborate with any author, who would it be and why?

A. I’d love to work with Cambria Hebert, because her style is similar to mine. Same with Anna Cruise. Her writing is the kind of stuff I devour. Those two are probably my top picks. Oh and of course Rainbow Rowell….even though we write really differently, working with her would be amazing, just because she’s such an amazing writer and I could learn so much from her.
This is the end of our review with Melissa Pearl. I am so ecstatic to have been in touch with her, as she is just the sweetest and one of the most amazing people I have gotten to know! I just want to thank not only her for this amazing opportunity, but also to all of my readers, who continue to follow me, and allow me to do these amazing blogs that I have been doing. I hope you have enjoyed my interview, and I really urge you to go check out not only the Songbird Series, but also Melissa's new Pen Name on Goodreads and Instagram and go add her new book The Playmaker which comes out March 22nd!!
So until the next time, Keep Reading!!
Your Graduated Bookworm!! :)
Thank you so much for a fantastic interview. You're the best :) xxx
ReplyDeleteYou are most welcome!! Thank you again for being a part of this! :)
DeleteThank you so much for sharing this wonderful interview! I absolutely loved the first novel in the songbird series and have to read book in-between each just so I can attempt to get myself off of the couple I just got hooked on!!
ReplyDeleteMelissa Pearl I'm always so excited for your novels and can't wait to read more! Thank you for sharing your talent with us!
Graduated Bookworm Blogger thank you for posting these and sharing your talent with us also! I'm also so excited to read your reviews and especially am looking forward to more interviews!
Thank you so much for reading the interview! I look forward to writing more of them to share and showcase more authors that I think deserve more notoriety!
DeleteThanks lovely for your support!! :)