Author: Marissa Meyer
Publisher: Square Fish
Published: January 2013 (Originally January 2012)
Format: Paperback
Pages: 387
Rating: 5/5
Humans and androids crowd the raucous streets of New Beijing. A deadly plague ravages the population. From space, a ruthless lunar people watch, waiting to make their move. No one knows that Earth's fate hinges on one girl.
Cinder, a gifted mechanic, is a cyborg. She's a second-class citizen with a mysterious past, reviled by her stepmother and blamed for her stepsister's illness. But when her life becomes intertwined with the handsome Prince Kai's, she sudden;y finds herself at the center of an intergalactic struggle, and a forbidden attraction. Caught between duty and freedom, loyalty and betrayal, she must uncover secrets about her past in order to protect her world's future.
Let me start off this review by saying that this was the first read for the book club @Clockworkreaders on Instagram. We are one of the largest groups talking about books, and I'm so glad that this was our read!
When you think about Cinderella, you think of the classic blonde hair, blue eyed servant whose father left or died years ago leaving Cinderella to work for her evil Stepmother and stepsisters...That was a great classic, but Cinder is all that plus a cyborg, minus the fairy godmother, add in hover boards, androids, and Lunars... OH MY!
From the start (although it took me a couple chapters to get in) I was really hooked onto this story. It starts immediately, so you get the background history, as well as new findings within the first 100 pages. I love how fast paced it was, which made reading it, that much better! I found that when you were reading the story, it just kept you on your toes and constantly wanting to read more. With Cinder, I find that it was a lot better, because it was in 3rd person perspective, but it also delved into different characters lives. You got to read about not only Cinder, but and Prince Kai as well, and that was very interesting.
Of course where is a story of a girl and guy without some sort of attraction, am I right? So from the beginning you can clearly tell that there is a connection between Prince Kai and Cinder. Although she may not believe that she is capable of being someone that the Prince would "fancy" she has let herself of course fangirl over the him...that's right Fangirl on. And where is Cinder without her Iko. I absolutely loved Iko! I found the android to be a great companion, who is also very witty and funny! I feel like if she were a real person, she would be that friend that you always have to explain other friends to, as she says whatever is on her mind, and knows how when Cinder is hiding something.
Now of course, with Cinder falling for the Prince, there is Adri--her stepmother--there to bring it all to a stop. Throughout the novel, I found that Adri, Pearl and the Queen are so mean. I mean, of course they are supposed to be evil, but this was a whole new level of evil! I found their characters to be next level, and although I found myself yelling into the book, and hating the characters, I was also very much drawn and loving how they made lives of those around them too unbearable. I feel like I found myself saying things like "wow really?!!" or "She deserves so much better!" There were some points where I was really hoping that Cinder would just lash out at Adri and give her a piece of her mind! She definitely deserves the worst, that's for sure!
Another aspect of the novel that I really liked, was the fact that Marissa Meyer added in quotes from Cinderella into the novel for each section. I really enjoyed the aspect of mixing old with new. I really liked the writing style as well, because it was different than most. It was a retelling, but it was far from the original story that we all have come to know. Also, I found that there were parts of the story where I could foresee what was going to happen. Even if it did as I predicted it, I still found myself amazed as how it all came about. I think that there were so many twists with this story, I just couldn't get enough!
A quote did stick out from me, and I found it kind of sweet to have in there, amidst all of the downfalls and chaps:
"And yet, the memory of his fingers against her skin refused to fade."
Overall, I really liked this novel! Normally I don't tend to enjoy this genre, but I found myself enjoying every bit of it! I loved how fast paced it was, how each page kept you wanting more, and how Marissa Meyer was able to make you feel Love, Hate, and everything in between for all of the characters. Although, I did enjoy the aspects of having the Classic Cinderella part into it, I do feel like this was a story all on it's own. There was so much action, suspense, and twists and turns along the way. I could really see this being a movie. I know there are a lot of adaptations to books, and that Cinderella has had a couple of them, but this would be amazing if it were to come to life. Especially if Tim Burton or James Cameron were in charge...Just saying!
Lastly, let me just quickly say WOW!! That ending though, she really had me! I actually sat on my bed wondering how I was able to go this far without reading Cinder, and how fast I needed to get my hands on Scarlet (Which by the way, I got today, along with Cress!) She really leaves you wanting more, and the cliffhanger she provides, definitely has you craving more of Cinder and her story.
So there is my review for Cinder! I hope you enjoyed it, and if you read this, let me know what you thought!
Until the next time, Keep Reading!
Your Graduated Bookworm!! :)
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