Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Holiday With The Belles Event!

Welcome back bookworms! I have been waiting a little bit since I got back from Texas to share with you my time there. Mainly Holiday With The Belles, because that was the entire bookish fanigirl event of my trip! There was so much to see, and I can't wait to go back again next year for their final Belles event in Texas!

Some of you are probably wondering what the heck this is. Well it's an entire day filled with romance authors, and a few bookish shops all in one large room. and I mean the entire day! I was standing in like at 9:45 and the event didn't start until noon, and ran all the way until five. I was one sore and tired blogger by the end of the day, but I got to meet so many amazing authors who are now on my radar for reading, or I was able to purchase some books from there. I couldn't get too much since I had only half a suitcase of space...a big dilemma for a bookworm!

So the first two stops I made were to my amazing and super lovely ladies that is Kennedy Fox and Book Beau. Brooke and Lyra (Top Photos) are honestly so sweet, and funny. It was great to finally meet up with them in person, especially after getting the pleasure to work with them from the beginning! All their hard work pays off though, because their novels are just so amazing, you don't want to put them down!

Honestly, I can't way enough about these two. Believe me when I say that whenever I get all my books into one room, there will be a solid shelf dedicated to all my KF, and their own pen name novels!!

 Also I got to finally meet Jenny from Bookish Aromas who is awesome! She is so kind, and eve let me purchase a candle that she happened to have there, and let me tell you it smelled amazing! I have this obsession with her stuff, and I can't wait to get some more soon!


Next I went right on over to Benita (To the right) who was like all the way across the room from Kennedy Fox, and gave her a huge hug! Benita is so sweet, funny, and I mean her business is just killer! It was so hard not to buy more beaus than I did, because it was way easier to get them in person for me (Since I'm in Canada) I also finally got my Book Beau Bean and guys...this is legit one of the best things I own! I'll have a product review on that up shortly too! With my flight getting all delayed and messed up, my bean was working wonders for me to sleep, and read while crammed in the plane! Benita, you are always outdoing yourself, and I hope to see you again soon, and grab more of your stuff!! #LadyBoss đź’Ş

Honestly I wish that I took more pictures while I was there, but I was in such an awe that I wanted to go see all of the authors and talk to them. I didn't actually get to all of the authors there, just because I was kind of going into this blind. My arms were super sore from carrying two bags filled with books and swag, and the amount of walking around you do is also insane. It's a small conference room, but you're spending a lot of time on your feet to meet everyone! 


To the left above, is K.K. Allen. I have been wanting to meet her in person for so long as well, and it was awesome. Of course my awkward self never knows what to say when I meet someone that I've been talking to or are friends online with. To the right above is B.B. Easton who was also so sweet. She was actually doing shots with a couple of the older readers who came to get their book signed and take a picture too, which was pretty cool! and below, I got to take a picture with Molly McAdams. I think anyone who follows me on Instagram knows that I own quite a few of her books, but yet I have not had the chance to read them. Many of you also know that I have a HUGE stack of books that I haven't read. There's not enough time in the day I tell you! She was so sweet and kind, and I mean how can you not love meeting authors who inspire you to finish and hopefully publish your own novel....

That's all for my coverage of the Holiday With The Belles Event! I hope you enjoyed (sort of) coming along with me through this event. Believe me, I'll be a little more prepared for next year! Also shout out to all the bloggers that attended this event, and to some amazing blogging friends I got to meet in person and say hi too! Keep an eye out for my Holiday With The Belles Book Haul coming shortly to see the new titles I've added to my TBR, and more I'll be adding to my Goodreads TBR!

So until the next time, Keep Reading!
Your Graduated Bookworm!! :)

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