All About

My name is Morgan (That's my picture on the right!) and I'm an avid reader, stationary hoarder, and everyday bookworm!

I have been blogging since 2015 and every single day learn something new to bring to my readers and friends! I started my blog on a whim in college one day, and here I am to this day...

My love for books started in 2007 by reading only here and there. I started to get more into reading in 2009 during the summer, reading pretty much a book a day. My shelves have gone from only ten books to more than a few thousand (with many more on my ereader). I have not had all the time in the world with work, writing and hanging with friends and family to be reading books constantly (hey, life gets in the way!) but I do enjoy reading on my spare time, and find that when I have a great book in my hands, I tend to go into my own world and don't realize that life is moving on around me.

There are a lot of books out in the world, and some of them you may have read that I haven't, but my goal starting The Graduated Bookworm Blogger was to create an environment where enthusiastic readers could join together and spread their own thoughts in a positive and safe environment. I love the idea of giving my honest review of books, knowing that everyone is different and see books differently. I love helping out future authors get their books out there for people like you to read!

I hope that you will come along for the ride of sharing reviews and opinions of books!

1 comment :

  1. Hi there! I am looking for fellow book bloggers and found your blog! Nice blog, btw! :)

    Happy reading!

    Aizel @ One Page at a Time


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